Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Keep Calm & Carry On!

My name is Lady Koukou (aka -Amanda), wife to Lord Koukou (aka - Sam) and Mum  to (for privacy and total embarressment reasons they wish to be unnamed) two little Koukette's, they are really delightful children (ok I am lying, but I have tried hard!).  Two girls aged 14 and 12, there present ages should really say it all, they are quite painful at times but copius amounts of wine seem to make them quite tolerable.

I have come to realise that life with teenagers is quite lonely really! I think I now know why facebook was invented and social media has boomed over the last decade!  It is for all of us fellow Mum's of teenagers (girls in particular I am told) to unite and have someone to talk to and something to do at night fall.  I mean there is only so much Masterchef we can watch and who wants to learn how to renovate a house or build a deck - thats what I bloody got married for so I had someone to do it!  And that was a monumental dissappointment all in itself because Lord Koukou really sucks at the building thing and cannot use to drill to save himself.  Yes I have failed to train my manchild well over our years of marriage - he is as useless with the vacuum as he is with a hammer, oh why do I constantly try!

Speaking of Lord Koukou he brought me home a present yesterday!  Imagine my surprise, I mean he manages to or conveniently forgets most birthday's relying on the Koukettes to bring me home something really crappy from school.  Don't get me wrong I do love and cherish their artwork they used to make me in Primary School but it hardly compares to a box from Tiffany's now does it!! 

This is what he bought me:

As Lord Koukou handed me my present with such a proud look on his face, Junior Koukette was lurking.  I looked at the picture and said "are you trying to give me a message buying me this?'  Junior Koukette pipes up and says 'because you have Anger Problems thats why!  Now you can look at this sign and keep calm!"  Well I did see red now and replied with "Oh I'm sorry did someone mention anger problems?  What because I have to scream until I am purple in the face and my head is about to explode for someone to listen to me, or because you animals leave your shit all over Koukou Palace for me to pick up, or perhaps it might even be because I am sick of going into your infested things you call a bedroom with a gas mask on my face because the smell in there makes me want to vomit and I haven't updated my tetnus shot recently- oh but thats right, I am the one with Issues!"

Junior Koukette looked at her father and said 'she really needs the sign Dad, hang it in the kitchen'

So now I am sitting here looking at my new sign, hanging proudly in the kitchen, and as much as I want to throw darts at it, it has made me smile.  Because even though I spend most days screaming and getting frustrated at someone in Koukou Palace I could probably learn sometimes to take another sip of my wine, keep calm and carry on, before I really pop a blood vessel.

"Is there something you tell yourself so you are able to keep calm and carry on?"

Lady Koukou x

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