Friday, 9 September 2011

Are Family Stickers breeding?

Is there an island off India breeding Happy Little Sticker People?  Or am I the only one feeling like they are taking over Australia?

It does not matter what car I drive behind lately there is a little happy sticker family smiling straight back at me.  Even the animals smiling!!  Surely these stickers can't be actual portrayals of the family inside.  God knows when the Koukette Family get in the car together it can be far from a happy, joyful experience.

I have often looked admiringly at others cars who have taken the time to celebrate their families and add a dorky little sticker to the back of their cars.  I have not fallen victim to this for the following reasons:-

  •  I try my best to escape my own family and do not want a reminder of them on the back of my car
  •  I am proud of the fact I still have my memory in tact and do not need a sticker on my car to act as a roll call. 

So with this in mind I got to thinking if we were to have a sticker familiy what would we have that would be a correct description of our family?

Lord Koukou would need to have a male sticker sitting or lying on a couch, TV remote attached to one hand while the other was half way down his pants asking how long dinner was

Senior Koukette would need to have an Ipod deafening her ears, Laptop at her fingers, X-Box remote in her hand all while attempting to do her homework - and she is not smiling, she is snarling & trying to look as miserable as possible (she is 14, you remember those times when every where is better than your house!)

Junior Koukette would need to have I-Phone in one ear, Prada Bag in one hand, hair straightener in the other while asking someone for their take on the Big Bang Theory

As for Lady Koukette - well there is just not one sticker that would do me justice.  I would need one with an i-phone in one hand, laptop resting on a bench checking emails whilst cooking dinner over a moveable hotplate in the back of my taxi as I drop off one of the Koukettes.

Do they have stickers like that?

Yes as you can see we are not afraid to take on life's greatest challenges and questions here!

1 comment:

  1. Hehe, I like it! And agree 100% also proud to be stick family sticker free vehicles
