My Mum had always been a kind thoughtful lady, willing to always help others and offer opinions when asked. My Mum has also had cancer knock on her door twice and come through the other side with flying colours!
One of the results of Mum's flirt with cancer is that she has learnt free speech, and pretty much tells it like it is to anyone who wants to listen. If you want an answer on a subject Mum is the person to ask, not to much is sugar coated these days.
May I present to you an email I received this morning from my dear Mum.....
Its Mum (yes Mum I know its you the email address was a dead give away!), hope the girls are fine? ( Lord Koukou and I are just as fine thanks for asking!)
Was watching TV last night with Dad, saw this ad come on and told Dad to remind me to send you the information. (oh great so now you and Dad are both discussing gravity taking hold on my boobs over a cup of tea and a little late night TV?) When I saw you last I thought you could probably do with a little extra support in the booby area.
I remembered how you showed me to insert a picture and a link so go and have a look ( note to self - do not teach anymore cyber technology to parents)
It said on the ad and their website - No more back fat or top bulging, thats why I thought of you. They are also having a special right now, buy 2 get 2 free.
Just thought you might be interested, let me know how you go. If they are any good I might buy some but I will wait for your comments first (yep tight ass to the end - get some poor other sucker to buy it first then jump on the band wagon!)
Love Mum
BAMMMM!! Did you get hit with the same sledge hammer in the forehead I did when I read this? Got to love a free speaking woman in her 60's who has learnt to tell it like it is - I love you to Mum xx
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