Thursday, 8 September 2011

Who's up for a bit of furniture Porn?

I have mentioned before in my PMS Meltdown Post that 40 is FAST approaching.  When I first turned 30 I remember thinking 'Oh God let this decade go at a snails pace"  as usual he was not listening and now it is around the corner.  But I figure it can't be all bad, there must be a reason it is referred to as the Naughty 40's?  If nothing else I am looking forward to a decade of explosive sex so it fully lives up to the name. 

Are you listening Lord Koukou?  EXPLOSIVE.....MIND BLOWING.......TOE CURLING!

Anyway moving on......

As much as I still feel like a early twenty something in my mind, certain things I do paint another story.  Such as:-

  • Underwear is now chosen for comfort, with a nice cotton being the fabric of choice. The only exception being Date Nights then I whip out a little lace number.  I may be appoaching 40 but I can still be a sexy little minx like that.  It usually goes unnoticed by Lord Koukou because he comes home from date night and falls asleep on the couch, but at least I know should he have a frisky moment I am prepared
  • I discovered my first grey eyebrow hair, yep eyebrow hair!!  2 weeks ago - aaarrrrgghhhhh!  Could not get the tweezers onto that little sucker fast enough - perhaps I am aging like my father?  God if I get hair on my ears it will be disastrous!
  • I find myself saying more and more "I don't care what happens in other peoples houses....while you are under my roof you will do as I say" dear God I am turning into my mother!
  • nothing seems to be heading north anymore - gravity is starting to take hold & FAST
  • I am now looking closely at some wrinkles starting to appear and wonder if I should consider crossing to the dark side and having my face injected with some kind of anti freeze like Alex Perry
  • 11pm in now what I refer to as a late night, especially on a school night
  • I know longer bounce out of bed at 6.30am, there are lots of moans and groans thrown in & snooze is hit multiple times
  • I find I can take the complete piss out of myself and not taking myself and life so seriously
  • I still don't know 100% what I want to do with myself when I grow up and suspect I will ask myself this question for years to come
  • the Koukettes and Lord Koukette have recently added a shopping list to the fridge door that they add to - they simply don't believe me when I tell them my memory is not bad I am just not interested in what you think we need
But THE main reason I know 40 is just around the corner is when I refer to the Ikea Catalogue as Furniture Porn!!

I get as excited about the Ikea Catalogue hitting my letter box as I bet my brother did when his eyes saw the middle spread of a Playboy magazine for the first time as a young boy.

Yesterday I got my moment of near Climax when in my letterbox there it was, all wrapped in plastic and sitting there waiting to be opened and explored.  I got my little slice of porn brought it inside, made myself a cup of tea and looked at all the pretty pictures of the happy little Swedish people in there Happy little super organised Swedish houses.

My list of wants from Ikea is now a page long, but I will wait and one by one slowly add them to the house to avoid the watchful eye of Lord Koukou.

Here's to Furniture Porn and turning 40!

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