Monday, 12 September 2011

There is no way this will last.....

As much as I try to convince everyone in Koukou Palace I am the worldly type......I really don't know much about anything.  One thing I do know about me though is that I hate Mondays.  I have no idea why I detest them so much, I just roll with it.

Today though I am feeling strangely serene and calm.  There have been some things that could well of pushed me over the edge, like:-
  • the 'Phantom Skidder' greeting me with their interpretation of Modern Art sprayed across the toilet bowl first thing this morning after I cleaned it last night- on a normal Monday I would instantly think to myself "what the fuck did you people eat yesterday?" but no not today, I just cleaned it again
  • after dropping the Koukette's at school I noticed one of them left the hair straightener on again adding to their collection of burns on the bathroom sink.  Usually when they do this I get some kind of sick pleasure watching them continuously beg for it back after I have hidden it.  Today though I thought I should go to Bunnings, surely they have something that can cover all the melted ceramic
  • Lord Koukou took my car to work today and left me his that had no petrol in it with the light coming on as soon as I started it - normallythis would force me to ring him straight away, abuse the crap out of him and then take my full fury out on the attendant at the petrol station for charging me $1.44 per litre.  But nope not today, I just went and put in petrol unbothered
  • Senior Koukette closed her bedroom door and left the slum pit to continue festering - this would usually produce me to send her a text message at school telling her she is grounded until that feral room is clean.  Then I would make a cup of tea and contemplate ringing Dr Phil's people for advice because after all the high hopes I had for her all I was raising was a feral, lazy teenage slob.  Not today though, I opened her window, made her bed and gave it a light spray with some air freshner
  • Junior Koukette gave my confidence and intelligence a battering by laughing at me when I told her I have no idea on my thoughts of the Big Bang Theory nor did I know who invented vegetariasm (is that even a word?) - my normal reaction in my head would be "oh smart ass - you are so much like your father!".  Today though I just said in a calm voice 'why don't you google it or better still introduce yourself to your library at school, I am sure you will find the answers there' and walked away
  • reminding myself to ring the hairdresser and put my appointment back a week because I spent my hair money on getting Senior Koukette fitted out for her Bear Grills 9 day adventure - this would normally bring on all kinds of emotions which I won't write down because they could make my mood change quickly for the worse
Junior Koukette complimented me when I dropped them at school today and said 'how nice I was being for a Monday'.  I nodded and said 'I know lets all just enjoy the moment while it lasts"

I will continue to enjoy my happy little space in my head for a Monday.   I may pray later that whoever has come and taken over my body through the night enjoys the ride and decides to stay for a while.

Happy Monday everyone,


  1. I have completely failed in my 'happy little space in my head' attempts today. Its been a horrible, horrible day. Why are Monday's so goddamnawful. There must be a scientific reason!

  2. Oh Eloise that's not good - hopefully your Tuesday is a little better xxx
