As much as I could talk about me forever, I have been asked here to blog about the week that was and provide insight & commentry through my priveledged eyes:-
Beyonce in cheap and tacky R & B style sought to obtain as much publicity as possible to announce she is carrying child. At first I was a little troubled with this news - afterall the child would have access to the best couture, an American Express Card to rival mine and be half beautiful - I was petrified!! Often in situations like these I pray that it is a boy!
But then I saw this picture of Beyonce and JayZ and all my worries washed away. I mean with THAT hair and his LIPS this baby could well be horrid. Jay Z is already showing signs of Lazy Father Syndrome - it shows the traits of a person when they cannot tie up their own shoes. I just hope the Nanny can hold it together,

My protegee made her debut in New York this Week. Harper is proving to be a great student, she is such a delight in 5 minute bursts and shows such poise and sophistication for her young age. Being around her almost makes me want to order a sibling from Tom and Katie (not really I was just saying that to be nice!)
Don't you agree Victoria is looking wonderful! The Nanny's are doing a great job - she looks well rested and clearly that diet of seaweed, carrots and water is working. My BFF Romeo tells me not eating is making her unpleasant to be around - fashion can be a tough business & somtimes family members need to sacrifice happiness for Couture! Victoria always realises that a photo moment is always an opportunity.
Something Katie is yet to grasp! Oh she is exhausting and never listens to me. The media made a HUGE story about me being able to run in my heels......I have been running in heels since I was 2 that is nothing new! Wouldn't you run as well if you were with Katie in THAT jumper? She can be so 1970's Op Shop tragic. I have tried so hard to educate her over the years.....and then she makes fashion choices like this. Oh why do I bother?

I must be off time to get Katie dressed for the Fashion Shows ahead, my work is never done!
Til next week,
Now where is my tiara
P.S xx
Til next week,
Now where is my tiara
P.S xx
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